This weeks rant will focus on the desperateness of this man, Russle Oliver. You may not of seen this man before because you probably don't live in the GTA (Greater Toronto Area). You can't watch any good television program without seeing this mother fucker pop up on your screen, and begin to talk about him buying your fucking broken and used jewlery, gold rings, gold watches, diamonds, and even your gold teeth. Then he begins to go in a bloody dance, with slutty skanks in the background singing " I'm the cash man! Give you money for your gold, OH Yeah" More like, "I'm the cash man! Sued by DC Comics, OH YEAH!" (In case you ever read the page, press Ctrl+F, and type "sued") Now you may think he's not that bad of a guy, but the problem with this mother fucker is he constantly makes his commercial loop over and over and over on your TV screen. Below are some videos.
Original Commercial:
/* */
Parodized Video(Fucking Awesome):
/* */
haha oh shit
If you try to bribe me with chocolate coins, I'll fucking kill you! OH NOEZ!